• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP

    Posts by:

    Dan Hansen

    Doctor looking at an xray for 9/11 related sarcoma

    New Advancements in Research for 9/11-Related Sarcoma

    Since the terrorist attacks, 9/11-related sarcomas – rare cancers that can affect soft tissue and bone – have been diagnosed in downtown residents, workers, and responders. While sarcomas are rare, anyone who lived, worked, or was otherwise present in lower Manhattan and the surrounding area on 9/11 and into mid-2002 is at an increased risk of developing sarcoma due to exposure to toxic dust, chemicals, and smoke. 

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    Is There a Connection Between 9/11 and Childhood Cancers?

    In the years since September 11th, an increased risk of developing various cancers, including childhood cancers has been linked to exposure to the aftermath of the World Trade Center (WTC) attacks, as has been highlighted by various studies and medical research. The attacks on September 11, 2001, created a cloud of toxic dust and debris that left a lingering impact on the health of thousands of people who were present during the attacks and in the weeks and months that followed. This is true not only for the first responders and recovery workers who responded to Ground Zero but also for others who were exposed to the aftermath, including children.

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    What Is the Link Between 9/11 and Sinusitis?

    Sinusitis has emerged as a significant concern among those who were present in downtown Manhattan after the 9/11 attacks. The link between the 9/11 attacks and the prevalence of sinusitis is clear, as chronic rhinosinusitis remains the top 9/11 condition certified by the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP). Sinusitis is a condition that continues to affect the quality of life for many individuals involved in the recovery efforts. Fortunately, help is available. Those who have developed sinusitis as a result of 9/11 exposure may be eligible for no-cost medical monitoring and treatment through the WTCHP, as well as financial compensation for their economic and noneconomic loss through the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).

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    Recent Advancements in Liver Cancer Research

    Over two decades since the terrorist attacks, 9/11-related liver cancer has been prevalent in the survivors, civilians, responders, and others who were exposed to the toxic environment in lower Manhattan from 2001 through 2002. The complexity of liver tumors and their tendency to be diagnosed at advanced stages have historically made effective treatment difficult. However, recent advancements in liver cancer research are offering new hope. From gene therapy to targeted therapy and beyond, these innovations are shaping a brighter future for liver cancer patients, including those exposed in the aftermath of 9/11.

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    Is There a Connection Between 9/11 and Sleep Apnea?

    9-11 related Sleep apnea is one of a wide range of health conditions that have emerged among those impacted by 9/11 since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Along with various types of 9/11 cancers, lung disease, and other aerodigestive disorders, sleep apnea has been increasingly reported amongst first responders, residents, downtown workers, students, and others who were present in downtown Manhattan in the aftermath of 9/11. But is there a connection between their sleep apnea and exposure to 9/11 toxins? The World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) recognizes sleep apnea as a WTC-related health condition when it is associated with another 9/11 condition such as COPD, asthma, or other 9/11 aerodigestive disorder. Find out more about sleep apnea and 9/11, as well as the support available through the WTCHP and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)

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    What is a Presumptively Compensable Expense?

    When you file a claim for compensation with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), you normally have to include documents that demonstrate that each expense is related to one of your eligible conditions. There are some expenses, however, that the VCF will accept without the need to prove a connection to the related condition because they have been determined to be commonly necessary and directly related to a specific 9/11-related condition. These are called presumptively compensable expenses. Because they are "presumptively" eligible for compensation, these expenses are generally accepted without the need for extensive documentation or justification. This can help to streamline the claims process and ensure that claimants receive timely and fair compensation.

    The VCF has a number of important rules that govern reimbursement for medical expenses. First, out-of-pocket medical expenses can only be requested for amounts spent before the 9/11 conditions was certified by the WTC Health Program. Second, a request for reimbursement of past medical expenses must be submitted as an amendment after the VCF issues the initial award for non-economic (pain and suffering) losses. Third, the 9/11-related past out-of-pocket expenses must total at least $5,000. 

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