• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

The VCF, Jon Stewart, and Mitch McConnell: What We Need to Remember

Why Do We Represent 9/11 Victims?

Because they deserve it. Because they need it. And because we care – just like Jon Stewart.

We have been representing 9/11 victims since 2001 and our experience is unmatched. Perhaps the only thing we have more of than our experience is our compassion and willingness to listen to our clients’ stories and daily struggles.

In the midst of the media headlines and conversations surrounding the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, Jon Stewart’s support and Mitch McConnell’s comments, there is one important thing the lawyers at Hansen & Rosasco always keep in mind: the needs and struggles of the clients we fight for every day.

In our careers as 9/11 attorneys, we have been taken back by too many sad 9/11 victim stories. Far too many. These stories – from mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and friends and heroes of all kinds – have made us unwavering in our determination to get fair compensation and awards for every 9/11 victim and family.

What is the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund?

The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), which was established along with the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) under the 2010 Zadroga Act, was established by the federal government to give tax-free compensation to 9/11 victims, first responders, and all individuals affected by the September 11th attacks. The VCF awards range in amount and cover various damages.

The WTCHP also provides individuals with medical care and treatment for a wide range of 9/11 cancer types and illnesses caused by exposure to various toxins at Ground Zero. Cancer treatment centers and other medical care facilities across New York and the U.S. are now available for the rising number of individuals in need of care due to 9/11-related illnesses. For many, the compensation and care has been lifesaving and life-changing, and we could not imagine these awards being cut any further or removed all together.

Recent 50-70% Cuts in VCF Payouts are a Disgrace

As of February 2019, VCF awards have been cut by 50% – 70% due to “insufficient funding” in the VCF. Many 9/11 cancer victims are now getting ZERO dollar VCF awards, after mandatory deductions! You read that right –  after the recent cuts in award amounts – some 9/11 victims with 9/11-related cancers, who were counting on their 9/11 award to keep their family afloat, are getting NOTHING!  For victims and survivors who are disabled permanently or unable to work because of their 9/11-related cancers or illnesses, this has been a heartbreaking economic slap in the face, resulting in financial burdens for many families. This heartbreak is shared with our 9/11 attorneys who know just how much these awards are needed and deserved by so many individuals and families.

Why Do We Speak Up for All 9/11 Victims?

As we continue to fight in Washington, DC for permanent authorization of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, we want to shed a deserving light on all the individuals who were affected by 9/11. If you were a first responder, rushing to the scenes selflessly in the face of danger – we thank you for your sacrifice and bravery. If you were a part of the recovery efforts, working tirelessly to help in any way possible – we are grateful for your service and selflessness. For those who were working day-to-day in the “Exposure Zone,” unknowingly surrounded by toxins and hazardous materials – we hear your pain.

We are reminded, time and time again, just how many people did not think twice in the face of danger when others needed help. If you or someone you know sacrificed their own safety for the well-being of others – we thank you and will continue to fight for you and your family.

If you were in Lower Manhattan, trying to go about your regular routine as a student, resident or commuter, know that we hear your concerns and pain, and are fighting for your future as well. We feel compassionately for those who tried to resume their lives in a hazardous and toxic area, without the knowledge of the danger that surrounded them.

The 9/11 attacks have affected us all in some way – some more, some less. What we all have in common is patriotism, collectivism, and strength to move forward together. This begins with taking care of the people who put others first, who were affected the most, and who are still suffering to this very day because of a 9/11-related cancer or 9/11-related illness.

Advocating for Permanent Funding for the VCF

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP supports you – and will continue to advocate for permanent 100% funding for the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. When you are scanning or reading through the news stories and headlines, remember who we are fighting for. Remember how far we have come, and how much more we need to provide for all the victims and survivors of 9/11.

If you are a victim of 9/11 or lost a loved one to the terrorist attacks, we will listen to your story and review your case. Most importantly, we will offer the support and guidance every individual needs through the burdensome claim filing process. Our team is dedicated to getting you, the victim or family of a victim, the compensation payout you deserve.

If you have any questions about the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP), Zadroga Act, 9/11 cancer types, cancer treatment centers, VCF eligibility and coverage, VCF awards or VCF settlements, please contact Hansen & Rosasco, LLP today.

Our team will always be there for you and will always have your back. Just read our over 200 five-star Google reviews. We will continue to advocate for the continuation of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.

Get Your Free Case Review Today. We would like to talk to you.