• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP

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    9/11 Fast Facts

    The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, shocked the nation and left many people seriously injured, both as a result of their presence at the Twin Towers and due to their involvement in rescue or cleanup efforts following the attacks themselves. Twenty years later, the nation continues to remember the attacks and those victims.

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    Are VCF Awards Tax Free?

    Awards from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) are often substantial, with many people’s expenses, wage loss, and pain and suffering damages ranging well over a million dollars.

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    What to Look For in a 9/11 Lawyer

    If you faced a serious diagnosis due to your involvement at Ground Zero following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, or if you ended up with a serious diagnosis because you lived, worked, or went to school in Lower Manhattan in the months following September 2001, you may need to file for compensation through the VCF.

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    How Does The 2015 Reauthorization of the Zadroga Act Affect You?

    After a hard-fought battle, the 9/11 Zadroga Act was reauthorized in 2015. The 9/11 attorneys at Hansen & Rosasco, LLP actively and proudly assisted the “Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act” in passing this important piece of legislation that provides benefits, treatment, and compensation to the thousands of individuals and families dealing with 9/11-related illnesses and losses.

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    Seeking 9/11 Cancer Compensation? Important Things to Know About the New VCF Claim Form and Document Checklist

    If you are seeking 9/11 cancer compensation or want to register a claim with the Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) for any other 9/11-related condition, getting started on your claim can be confusing. The VCF used to have several different claim forms that varied depending on the nature of the claim or the injury for which compensation was being sought. In an effort to simplify the process, the VCF developed a new claim form that combines all of the previous forms and that all claimants now need to complete.

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    How Long will the VCF be open for new claims?

    The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 was reauthorized when signed into law by President Obama on December 18, 2015. The Reauthorization Act extends the VCF for five years, allowing individuals to submit their claims until December 18, 2020.

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    What is the difference between the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim -Compensation Fund?

    The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 (as reauthorized in 2015) created to programs: (1) The World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP), and (2) The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). These two programs are closely related, but are separately administered and each has its own registration requirements. For example, registration and treatment in the WTCHP does not constitute registration in the VCF and does not meet the strict registration deadlines of VCF.

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