• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

Lung Cancer Screening Through the WTC Health Program

9/11 Lung Cancer screening is available through the World Trade Center Health Program for first responders, lower Manhattan residents and lower Manhattan workers.

This also includes screening for the numerous kinds of cancers that researchers have linked to exposure to the toxic cloud of dust and debris that lingered over and around Ground Zero after the attacks. The WTCHP covers diagnostic services, including blood work, imaging studies, biopsies, and specialty consults that a WTCHP doctor needs to determine if you have a cancer that is covered by the program.

9/11 Lung cancer is one of those cancers. Early diagnosis and treatment can be the key to surviving lung cancer, which is why the WTCHP offers eligible members annual lung cancer screening as part of their medical benefits. Such screening involves low-dose computed tomography (also called a low-dose CT scan or LDCT) to make a series of detailed pictures of the lungs.

Eligibility Requirements for Free WTCHP Lung Cancer Screening

Not every member of the WTCHP is eligible for cost-free lung cancer screening. Only those considered to be at high risk can qualify. This includes members who:

  • Are between 55 and 80 years old; and
  • Have a smoking history of at least 30 pack-years (A “pack year” is smoking an average of 1 pack of cigarettes per day for one For example, a person could have a 30 pack-year history by smoking one pack a day for 30 years or 2 packs a day for 15 years); and
  • Are current smokers or former smokers who have quit smoking completely within the last 15 consecutive years

Enrolling in the WTCHP is the First Step

If you are a victim, first responder, or recovery worker and you have been diagnosed with cancer or another condition that you believe is related to 9/11 and you haven’t already enrolled in the WTCHP, you should do so immediately. Enrolling in the WTCHP is the first step towards receiving no-cost monitoring and treatment. You can apply by calling 855-585-1399 or we invite you to call the 9/11 attorneys at Hansen & Rosasco to assist you.

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP is the only law firm in the nation that focuses solely on representing victims and first responders for their 9/11 related illnesses – and our 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund lawyers have been there from the beginning.

Through the years we have not only recovered millions of dollars in compensation and helped victims get the health care and support they need, we have also been fierce advocates for the legislation that provides such support.

We actively and proudly assisted the “Citizens for the Extension of the James Zadroga Act” in passing the reauthorization of the Zadroga Act in 2015, which ensures that benefits, treatment, and compensation to the thousands of individuals and families will continue to be available for those dealing with 9/11-related illnesses and losses.

Please call our 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund lawyers today at 855-585-1399 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free claim review.