• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

June is National Cancer Survivor Month – How Can the VCF Support You?

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Victim Compensation Act (Zadroga Act) to provide tax-free compensation to people who developed cancer after being exposed to the 9/11 dust between 9/11 and May 30, 2002. If you were present in Lower Manhattan after the attacks and have since received a cancer diagnosis, National Cancer Survivor Month is an excellent time to learn more about how the VCF can support you. 

Can Cancer Survivors Still Get Support from the VCF?

Many 9/11 cancer survivors wonder if they can still receive support from the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund if their cancer has gone into remission. The answer is a resounding yes. The VCF recognizes the long-term impacts and expenses associated with cancer, which do not simply vanish once a patient is declared cancer-free. Importantly, for those diagnosed with cancer after September 11, 2006, eligibility for compensation typically remains intact, even if the cancer has been in remission for years.

Understanding VCF Eligibility

To qualify for compensation, cancer survivors must register to have their health condition certified by the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP). Certification by the WTCHP confirms that the program covers your health conditions and is related to the 9/11 attacks. The VCF covers 70-plus types of cancer. Claimants must submit detailed documentation by the applicable deadlines regarding their health condition, economic and non-economic losses, and proof of presence in the Exposure Zone during or in the months following the attacks.

Understanding VCF eligibility and the required documentation is essential for filing a successful claim. Working with a law firm experienced in 9/11 VCF claims can make all the difference. A knowledgeable VCF attorney can guide you through each step, ensuring that every necessary detail is accounted for and that your claim is as strong as possible.

How the VCF Can Support 9/11 Cancer Survivors

The VCF provides compensation for both economic and non-economic losses to 9/11 cancer survivors. Economic losses may include past and future medical expenses, loss of earnings, and benefits. Non-economic losses cover pain and suffering.

Even if you are no longer undergoing active treatment, the financial burdens from past care and ongoing health monitoring can be substantial. The VCF assesses each claim individually, ensuring that compensation reflects the personal and financial hardships survivors have endured.

  • Economic Losses: The VCF defines economic losses as financial losses caused by an eligible condition including loss of earnings or other benefits related to employment, the cost to replace household services previously provided by the victim, certain past medical expenses, and expenses associated with a burial or memorial service in the case of a deceased victim. If you are claiming economic loss, the VCF will obtain information and documentation from various third parties, such as the Social Security Administration (SSA), the New York Fire Department (FDNY), the New York Police Department (NYPD), and the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board, regarding your disability, earnings history, and/or pensions.
  • Non-Economic Losses: For purposes of the VCF, non-economic losses are specifically defined as losses for physical pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, mental anguish, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of society and companionship, loss of consortium (other than loss of domestic service), hedonic damages, injury to reputation, and all other non-pecuniary losses of any kind or nature.

Get Your 9/11 Cancer Certified with the Help of Hansen & Rosasco, LLP

Navigating the VCF claims process can be complex, especially when certifying a cancer diagnosis that is in remission. The law firm of Hansen & Rosasco, LLP has over 20 years of experience in assisting 9/11 responders and survivors through this complicated process. We know 9/11-related claims, and our attorneys can help ensure that all necessary documentation and evidence are correctly presented, significantly increasing the likelihood of your claim’s approval and your chances of receiving the maximum award for your specific circumstances. 

Our team of dedicated 9/11 attorneys can guide you through the following:

    • Certification Process: Assisting in getting your cancer certified by the WTCHP;
    • Claim Submission: Helping compile and submit all required documents to prove eligibility and thoroughly quantify your losses;
    • Ongoing Support: Providing continuous legal support, such as amending a claim if new medical issues arise related to your 9/11 exposure; and
    • Appeals Process: Offering representation and guidance throughout the process, whether you are appealing a decision regarding eligibility or you received an award and are appealing the amount of compensation awarded. 

For 9/11 cancer survivors, National Cancer Survivor Month is not just a celebration of survival but a reminder of the financial support that is still available through the 9/11 VCF. It’s important to remember that the battle with cancer, particularly a 9/11-related cancer, involves ongoing challenges and needs. Whether you’re currently battling cancer or in remission, the VCF, alongside experienced legal guidance from Hansen & Rosasco, LLP, stands ready to assist in securing the compensation you are entitled to.