I Moved to Florida, Can I Still File with the VCF?

Relocating to a new state, like Florida, doesn’t mean you lose access to critical 9/11 healthcare or 9/11 VCF compensation. The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) provides support to survivors and responders no matter where they currently live. If you’ve moved to Florida but were present in the New York City Exposure Zone between September 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002, you are still eligible for compensation with the VCF, and you can also still access necessary medical treatment through the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP). Here's what you need to know about filing with the VCF and receiving medical care from the WTCHP while living in Florida.
Can I File with the VCF Out of State?
Yes, you can file a VCF claim no matter where you live in the United States (or the world). The VCF was designed to support all eligible individuals who were affected by the events of 9/11, regardless of where they live now. To qualify for the VCF, individuals must meet the following criteria:
- Exposure: Individuals must have been present at one of the attack sites, within the New York City Exposure Zone (south of Canal Street), or (for responders) worked along the routes of debris removal at some point during the period beginning on September 11, 2001 through May 30, 2002. The NYC Exposure Zone is defined as the area in Manhattan south of the line that runs along Canal Street, and (for responders) worked in any area related to or along the routes of debris removal, such as barges and Fresh Kills landfill.
- Qualifying Condition: An individual must show that they have a certified 9/11-related health condition. Families of deceased individuals may also be eligible for compensation if the deceased individual died as a result of the attacks or was exposed to the toxic substances created in the collapse of the Twin Towers.
- Deadlines: Individuals must meet certain deadlines for registering with the VCF, for submitting a claim, and for certifying their condition with the WTCHP.
- Lawsuits: Individuals must dismiss, withdraw, and/or settle any 9/11-related lawsuits by the deadline appropriate to their case.
How Do I File Out of State with the VCF?
Filing a VCF claim while living in Florida involves the same process as filing from New York. You will need to gather documentation, get your condition certified by the WTCHP, register with the VCF, and complete the application process. Steps to file include:
- Register with the VCF: Registering preserves your right to file a claim even if you’re not ready to submit all the necessary documents immediately.
- Certify Your Condition: Register with the WTCHP and have your condition certified as a 9/11-related condition.
- Provide Proof of Presence: Submit evidence showing you were in the New York City Exposure Zone during the specified time period. The VCF accepts documentation, such as employment records, school records, or Witness Presence Statements, to verify your presence.
- Submit Medical Documentation: Include all medical records of your certified 9/11-related condition and submit them to the VCF. This includes doctor’s notes, prescriptions, lab results, and other medical documents.
- Obtain All Relevant Documentation: Submit all additional relevant documents, including a completed signature page in ink, a signed ‘Authorization for Release of Medical Records”, “Social Security Administration Consent Form” (required only if you are claiming economic loss), and either a VCF Client Authorization Form or an ACH payment form depending on your situation.
- Write a Legal Brief: You may want to submit a comprehensive legal brief that outlines your legal argument for compensation, explaining all your economic and non-economic damages and your legal basis for compensation.
- Review and Submit the Application: Fill out the VCF claim form with details about your losses, including medical expenses, lost income, and non-economic damages. Review all documents to ensure accuracy and completeness, then submit your application and accompanying documents to the VCF for review.
While the process of filing a VCF claim may be convoluted, working with a law firm experienced in VCF claims can help ensure you receive the maximum award for your situation, in a timely manner.
Can I Get Treated by the WTCHP in Florida?
Yes, the WTCHP provides medical care to eligible individuals nationwide. If you’ve relocated to Florida, you can still access medical monitoring and treatment through the program. The WTCHP partners with healthcare providers across the U.S., ensuring that survivors and responders receive high-quality care regardless of where they live.
To Access WTCHP services in Florida, you must first apply to the WTCHP to access its benefits if you are not already enrolled in the program. Then, you will need to contact the Nationwide Provider Network (NPN). The NPN connects WTCHP participants living outside the New York metropolitan area to healthcare providers in their region. Once enrolled, you can receive care from approved providers near your Florida residence. The WTCHP offers medical monitoring, treatment for certified 9/11-related conditions, and support for both physical and mental health issues.
Do I Need a VCF Attorney in Florida?
While it’s not mandatory to work with an attorney to file a VCF claim, partnering with a legal expert can make the process smoother and reduce the likelihood of errors or delays. Filing a claim from another state such as Florida may present unique challenges, such as gathering proof of presence or coordinating with healthcare providers across state lines. An experienced VCF attorney can help:
- Compile all necessary documentation;
- Ensure your claim includes all eligible losses;
- Navigate the VCF’s requirements and deadlines; and
- Address any issues that arise during the claims process.
Additionally, a knowledgeable attorney can assist with accessing medical care through the WTCHP and ensure that you’re maximizing your award amount. If you’re preparing to file a VCF claim or need help accessing WTCHP services in Florida, consider consulting with a law firm experienced in 9/11-related claims that represents clients from all over the country, such as Hansen & Rosasco, LLP. The guidance of our dedicated attorneys can streamline the VCF process and provide peace of mind as you pursue the benefits and compensation you are entitled to.