• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

Exploring the Link Between 9/11 and Uterine Cancer

Uterine cancer is strongly linked to exposure to the 9/11 toxins in women who were in lower Manhattan on or during the year after 9/11, including civilians, residents, downtown office and other workers, area students, and clean-up workers/responders, The recent addition of uterine cancer to the list of World Trade Center (WTC)-related health conditions marks an important and long overdue recognition of the ongoing struggles of thousands. This was important because it finally gives women with uterine cancer – including women who were diagnosed many years ago – lifetime healthcare and significant compensation that ranges from $250,000 to over $1,000,000. 

One Year Since Uterine Cancer Was Recognized as a 9/11 Cancer

It's been one year since the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP), part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), officially recognized uterine cancer, including endometrial cancer, as a 9/11-related condition. This inclusion in the list of WTC-related health conditions is a crucial development for many women who were exposed to harmful substances in the aftermath of the attacks.

The addition of uterine cancer to the WTC Health Program’s administrative list of covered conditions means that women diagnosed with this type of cancer can now receive no-cost medical treatment and monitoring through the program. Furthermore, those who have developed 9/11-related uterine cancer may be eligible for financial compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). This recognition underscores the program's commitment to addressing all types of cancer affecting those who were at Ground Zero, acknowledging the breadth of health issues caused by the disaster.

How Carcinogens Impact Uterine Health

The debris and dust clouds created by the collapse of the Twin Towers contained a mix of hazardous substances, including asbestos, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and various endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDS). These substances are known to have carcinogenic properties, leading to an increased risk of developing cancers such as uterine cancer. 

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in particular can interfere with hormone functions, and long-term exposure to EDCs can affect the endometrial lining of the uterus, increasing the risk of developing uterine cancer, including endometrial cancer. Responders and survivors who were exposed to these toxins face a heightened risk of developing uterine cancer due to prolonged and repeated exposure during and after the attacks.

How to Proceed If You Think You Have 9/11 Uterine Cancer

If you suspect that you have uterine cancer and that it may be linked to your exposure to toxins from 9/11, it's crucial to take specific steps to ensure you receive the available care, compensation, and support:

  • Enrollment in the WTC Health Program: If you haven't already, it is essential to enroll in the WTC Health Program. This program provides no-cost medical monitoring and treatment for certified WTC-related health conditions, including uterine cancer.
  • Medical Evaluation: Seek a thorough medical evaluation from healthcare providers who are familiar with WTC-related health conditions. The WTCHP offers specialized care and cancer screening for individuals who were present in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.
  • Document Your Exposure: Compile detailed records of your exposure to the 9/11 site, including any proof of presence that may exist, as well as records of your medical history. This documentation will be essential when applying for WTCHP benefits or financial compensation.
  • Register and Apply for the Victim Compensation Fund: The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) provides financial compensation to individuals who have been diagnosed with 9/11-related health conditions. This includes compensation for economic loss such as lost wages, lost benefits, and medical expenses, as well as compensation to cover noneconomic losses such as pain and suffering. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and submit your claim with the necessary documentation.

Get Help from a 9/11 Cancer Attorney

Navigating the complexities of enrolling in the WTC Health Program and applying for compensation from the VCF can be challenging. Seeking assistance from a knowledgeable 9/11 cancer attorney can be invaluable. 9/11 cancer attorneys are experienced in handling cases related to WTC-related health conditions and can provide guidance on the following:

  • Eligibility Determination: Assessing whether you meet the criteria for the WTCHP and VCF.
  • Documentation Preparation: Helping you gather and organize the necessary documentation.
  • Application Submission: Ensuring your applications are completed accurately and submitted by the various applicable deadlines.
  • Appealing Denials: Representing you in the event of a denial and helping to appeal an award amount.

With the support of dedicated 9/11 attorneys like those at Hansen & Rosasco, LLP, individuals affected by 9/11 cancer can access the care and compensation they deserve. If you believe your uterine cancer is linked to your 9/11 exposure, contacting a 9/11 attorney can make a significant difference in your ability to access 9/11 benefits and compensation. Contact us today to learn more about our 9/11 services, tailored to your individual needs.