• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP

    Posts by:

    Troy Rosasco

    How Does the VCF Calculate Economic Loss?

    Over 400,000 people who worked, lived, or went to school in lower Manhattan  inhaled toxic dust during the year after September 11th. The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) compensates those exposed to the toxic dust  for all losses from 9/11-related physical conditions, including pain and suffering. This explains how the VCF calculates economic loss to determine the amount of compensation awarded. For more information, please contact a 9/11 VCF lawyer.

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    Health Effects of 9/11 First Responders and Survivors

    There are various health effects of 9/11 first responders and survivors. 500,000 people were in the area near Ground Zero when the terrorist attacks occurred on September 11th, 2001. That total included around 360,000 people visiting or working inside area office and retail buildings, 91,000 responders and volunteers working on rescue and recovery operations, 57,000 area residents, and 15,000 children and staff in schools located south of Canal Street.

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    9/11-Related Eye and Orbit Cancer

    Two decades after the collapse of the World Trade Center spread a toxic dust plume of pulverized concrete, jet fuel, burning plastics, asbestos, heavy metals, and many other toxic and carcinogenic substances, over 100,000 people  have developed severe health problems linked to 9/11 toxic dust. Many of them – the first responders and downton workers, residents, students, and others – tragically suffer from 9/11  related eye and orbit cancer. For more information, please contact a 9/11 VCF lawyer.

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    ​How Many People Are Currently Enrolled in the WTC Health Program?

    The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act created the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) to provide free medical treatment and medical monitoring services for those who had incurred 9/11 toxic exposure. These individuals included responders working on the rescue, recovery, and cleanup of Ground Zero in the months that followed the attack, or as survivors, which is a term that refers to those who lived, worked, or attended school or daycare on 9/11 or shortly after.

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    What Type of Cancer Is Caused by 9/11?

    500,000 people who worked, lived, went to school, and responded to the 9/11 disaster were exposed to the toxic mix of substances contained in the WTC dust plume that enveloped Lower Manhattan from 9/11 though mid-summer 2002. In the 20+ years since, over 100,000 have gotten sick with 9/11-related conditions, including many types of cancer. For more information, please reach out to our lawyers.

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    How Do I Check My VCF Claim Status?

    Individuals who have suffered a 9/11-related cancer or other illness can seek compensation for the expenses and impacts of their illness through the federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).

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    ​Exposure to WTC Dust Increases Neuropathy Risk by 15 Times

    The past twenty years have taught the medical community several things about toxic exposure. We now know that individuals exposed to the toxic dust from the collapsed towers on September 11th, 2001, are at a higher risk for cancer, respiratory, and digestive system diseases.

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    Registering with the VCF: What It Means, Why It’s Done, and More​

    The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) provides compensation to individuals who suffer from physical injuries or illnesses due to working as 9/11 responders or having lived, worked, or attended school or daycare in the area near Ground Zero in Manhattan and shortly after the attacks. It also compensates family members for the wrongful death of a loved one due to such a physical injury or illness.

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    Does the VCF Receive My Medical Records from WTCHP – World Trade Center Health Program?

    Did The VCF Receive Your Medical Records

    A very common question asked is “Does the VCF Receive My Medical Records from WTCHP?” The most common way for an individual who has suffered a 9/11-related illness to satisfy the eligibility requirements to seek compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) is by first applying for the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) and going through certifying the condition.

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    How to Prove You Were in Lower Manhattan on or After 9/11


    This post will discuss, "How to Prove You Were in Lower Manhattan on or After 9/11." People who lived, worked, or attended school in Lower Manhattan or assisted in the rescue, recovery, and cleanup efforts at Ground Zero as first responders or volunteers were exposed to toxic dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. More than twenty years after the attack, many of those people are sick from that toxic exposure.

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