• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP

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    Troy Rosasco

    Doreen and Paul

    Doreen was uneasy about going back to her office at One Liberty Plaza in Downtown Manhattan after the September 11th terrorist attacks. Her office, across from where One World Trade Center once stood, was reopened a few months after 9/11. Ground Zero was still smoldering and she had lingering thoughts about how safe it was to be that close to the burning wreckage. She had no idea that she would be another victim of 9/11, so many years after that horrific day.

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    9/11-Related Thyroid Cancer

    Hansen & Rosasco, LLP - Lawyers representing Thyroid Cancer9/11 caused thyroid cancer in over one thousand first responders and downtown NYC residents, workers, students, and others. In the most recent report, the World Trade Center Health Program certified 534 cases of thyroid cases in first responders and 533 cases in lower Manhattan residents, workers, and students — all linked to the toxic 9/11 fallout that blanketed lower Manhattan on 9/11 and the many months afterward.

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    Compensation for 9/11-Related Rare Cancers

    Compensation for 9/11-Related Rare CancersThe 9/11 toxic dust is the known cause of rare cancers including pancreatic anal, testicular, stomach, tongue, intestinal, laryngeal, and many other types of rare cancers. These cancers, along with many others, are by definition rare (occurring in fewer than 15 out of 100,000), but have been and still are diagnosed all too often in the 9/11 population of responders and downtown residents, workers, students, and others.

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    How to Add an Attorney on Your Claim

    How to Add an Attorney on Your ClaimIt is fairly common to add an attorney to your September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) claim after you may have taken the simple first step of registration.

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    9/11 Caused Melanoma: The Signs, Symptoms, and Potential Impacts

    September 11 Melanoma Lawyer9/11 caused melanoma of the skin (and non-melanoma skin cancers) in thousands of people. The most recent study from the World Trade Center Health Program reports 985 certified cases of melanoma in first responders and 286 cases in the survivors (downtown residents, workers, and students). The number of certified cases of non-melanoma of the skin cancer is more alarming: 4,494 certified diagnosed cases in first responders, and 843 certified cases in downtown workers, residents, and students,

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    VCF Policies and Procedures Updates

    Victim Compensation Fund Policies and Procedures UpdatesThe September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) provides compensation to individuals (or survivors of those individuals) who suffered physical harm or died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks—whether in connection with their participation in rescue and debris-removal efforts immediately after the attacks, or their presence in Lower Manhattan in the months after the fall of the Twin Towers.

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    9/11-Related Prostate Cancer

    You Can Get Treatment and Compensation

    9/11-Related Prostate Cancer lawyer9/11 caused prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is, by far, the most common cancer found in men who were first responders or who lived, worked, went to school, or were otherwise present in lower Manhattan or during the many months after 9/11. Since 2001, there have been 2,895 confirmed cases of prostate cancer in first responders linked to 9/11. There have been 1,386 confirmed cases of 9/11 caused prostate cancer in non-responders — the downtown workers, residents, students, and others. Hundreds of thousands of people were exposed to toxins released into the air as a result of the attacks, resulting in myriad cancers and other serious health issues, including prostate cancer.

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    9/11-Related Urinary Tract Cancers · Bladder Cancer · Kidney Cancer · Urethral Cancer

    You Can Get Coverage for Your 9/11 Cancer

    9/11-Related Urinary Tract Cancers lawyer9/11 caused cancer in the urinary system—the urinary tract, bladder, kidneys, and urethra—in many 9/11 first responders and residents, workers, and others who were downtown on 9/11 or during the many months afterward. As recently as 2019, Congress reported that almost 10,000 first responders, downtown workers, residents, students, and others have been diagnosed with cancer that is 9/11-related confirmed by epidemiology studies showing significantly higher rates of many cancers, including bladder cancer. The WTC Health Program reports that bladder cancer is among the 15 most common cancers certified as 9/11-related.

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    The September 11th Dust and Fumes Caused Head & Neck Cancers

    How to Get an Award for Your 9/11 Cancer

    september 11 Head & Neck Cancers lawyerThe September 11th attacks released dust in the air that has caused a significant increase in head and neck cancers. Exposures to the 9/11 toxins ranged from getting caught in the dust cloud on 9/11 to chronic exposures by the downtown workers, residents, students and many others that extended into the summer of 2002. Judith Graber, an associate professor at Rutgers School of Public Health, who conducted a recent study that confirmed the link between 9/11 exposure and head and neck cancers, noted that “cancers are diseases of long latency, the findings of significant excess cancer in this period point to a newly emerging trend that requires ongoing monitoring and treatment of WTC-exposed persons.”

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    How Long Does the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Take to Decide a Claim?

    9/11 Victim Compensation Fund lawyerThe September 11th Victim Compensation Fund takes about two years to make an award. The VCF reports that claims submitted before October 2019 are now being decided, claims submitted between October 2019 and December 2019 are being reviewed, and all other claims are in an earlier review status. Once a 9/11 VCF claim is decided, the decision and any award should be reviewed by an experienced 9/11 claim attorney to complete a full legal analysis if the award amount is correct, if the award should be appealed, or if your claim should be amended.

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