• 9/11 Victim Programs
  • Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)
  • WTC Health Program (WTCHP)
  • Wrongful Death VCF Claims

Hansen & Rosasco, LLP

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    Hansen & Rosasco

    Downtown Manhattan Cleaners and 9/11 Breast Cancer

    You are a cleaner in a downtown Manhattan office building on 9/11.  In 2018, you were just diagnosed with 9/11 breast cancer.  Your exact diagnosis is invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), the most common type of breast cancer.  Almost 80% of all breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinomas. You are only  51 and your family has no history of cancer. You are very scared for you and your family. 

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    9/11-Related Cancer Takes the Life of Another NYPD Hero

    The recent passing of a veteran NYPD cop who rushed to the World Trade Center on September 11th is yet another unwelcome reminder that cancers and other illnesses related to that terrible day continue to take the lives of first responders, recovery workers, and others.

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    9/11 Suits Against Saudi Arabia

    For tens of thousands of victims, survivors, and families who have suffered incomprehensible losses as a result of the September 11th attacks, the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) and the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) have provided critical compensation and care to help them rebuild their lives. As essential and effective as these two programs have been, one thing that they cannot provide is justice and accountability for those responsible for the tragic events of that horrible day.

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    WTC First Responders and Recovery Workers Need to Act NOW to Preserve Their Right to Workers’ Compensation Benefits

    The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) was established to provide compensation and resources to those who have suffered as a result of the September 11th attacks. But for New York first responders, rescue workers, and recovery workers, the VCF is not the only potential source of compensation for 9/11-related illnesses. The conditions caused by 9/11 exposure can and do impede victims’ ability to work and support their families. As with other injuries or illnesses which keep people off the job, 9/11-related conditions can be the basis of claims for workers’ compensation benefits.

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    Can I Amend My VCF Claim to Add a New Condition If I’ve Already Received an Award?

    Not all 9/11-related illnesses and medical conditions make themselves known at the same time. Years can go by between the diagnosis of one condition and the diagnosis of a separate 9/11 illness or cancer. Additionally, new conditions continue to be certified as 9/11-related and thus eligible for treatment through the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) and compensation from the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).

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    9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Issues Status Report Outlining Progress Made Since Zadroga Act Reauthorization

    By law, the Special Master who administers the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) must issue an annual status report outlining the fund’s activities for the previous year. The reports identify progress and any shortcomings in processing claims and awarding compensation to thousands of first-responders, recovery workers and other individuals who have suffered from cancer and other illnesses relating to the September 11th attacks.

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