WTC Health Program Deadlines
World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program Funding in 2022 Congressional Omnibus Bill
Due to the large number of potential future 9/11 victims, and exponential medical cost growth primarily to cancer treatment, there was a proposed additional $3.6 billion budget for the WTC Health Program in the recent federal Omnibus Bill to cover the projected WTC Health Program gap in funding by 2024. To our dismay, this $3.6 billion proposal to fund the WTC Health Program was originally omitted completely from the recent $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill that will fund the government through the end of the fiscal year.
The 9/11 community depends on the WTC Health Program benefits to receive vital health care for their 9/11-related illnesses, and the fact that the 9/11 health funding was left out of such a generous spending bill, feels personal. Our team at Hansen & Rosasco work every day to obtain necessary healthcare and treatment for our clients. Daniel Hansen and Troy Rosasco, Partners of Hansen & Rosasco, LLP, were prepared to fight for 9/11 victim’s rights in Washington D.C. and demand action to secure you the medical benefits that you deserve.
Due to our quick response and diligence, and with the support of our New York congressional delegation, hours after the bill was first released, $1 billion was added to the federal Omnibus spending bill for the WTC Health Program. This amendment will be one of fourteen to be voted on by the Senate. While this amendment is still not the $3.6 billion that we asked for, it is a step in the right direction for covering the projected WTCHP budget deficit.
It must be made clear that currently there is no gap in the WTC Health Program’s funding or coverage, but there was an expected shortfall by October 2024. The omittance of the additional funds allocated to 9/11 health benefits does not affect the monetary awards available to victims and their families through the Victim Compensation Fund. While victims do not have to worry about being compensated by the government, we will continue to fight to make sure that the full $3.6 billion allocated for 9/11-related medical benefits is available to survivors by 2024. We know that 9/11 is still claiming victims, and their health is of the utmost importance.
The World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program was established by Congress in 2010 under the James Zadroga Health and Compensation Act. It provides 9/11 first responders, downtown office workers, construction, city, utility workers and truckers, residents, students, and teachers lifetime healthcare treatment including medical monitoring for their 9/11-related illnesses (over 68 types of cancer and most breathing and digestive issues. Today, most newly diagnosed conditions are cancer related.
Since 2011, over 120,000 people have enrolled in the WTC Health Program. However, many downtown Manhattan workers and residents (collectively known as “survivors” under the law) do not realize that they qualify for the medical benefits of the program, as they mistakenly believe that the program is just for “first responders”. However, the WTC Health Program is there to serve both “survivors” and “first responders” — including the hundreds of thousands of people who lived and worked in downtown Manhattan on and after 9/11.
If you have any questions pertaining to deadlines and your eligibility for the WTC Health Program or the compensation benefits that you deserve through the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, contact Hansen & Rosasco TODAY at 631-892-7200. A single five-minute phone call will protect you if you are sick now or become sick in the future with a 9/11-related illness. These programs are currently 100% funded, so you can get the benefits you deserve without worry.

If you have questions about the Zadroga Act or enrolling in the WTC Health Program, please call us today at 855-416-7256 or fill out a contact form here.
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